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The International Association for the Philosophy of Humor (IAPH)

Welcome to the home of the IAPH. The International Association for the Philosophy of Humor has been established in 2014 with the purpose of inviting philosophers from various traditions to share study of humor, laughter, and the comic, and their roles (e.g., epistemological, ethical, aesthetic) within the history and practice of philosophy.

The association and its founding-president, Lydia Amir, hope to answer the need for philosophers to meet with kindred-minded people to discuss philosophy’s current interest in humor, laughter, and the comic.


This new field of the philosophy of humor should be of interest to non-philosophers as well.


1. Since 2014, the association has held various international conferences, group meetings in APA Conferences and round-tables in the 24th World Congress for Philosophy in Beijing, China, 2018. (See Conferences tab for more details).


2. Apart from the Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal, edited by Lydia Amir, which is open for publications in the field and which has published issues on the philosophy of humor, the association is now launching a new Journal, The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook, edited by Lydia Amir, published by the renowned Berlin-based yet international De Gruyter publisher.


See Journal tab for the Philosophy of Humor Yearbook call for Papers, the guidelines, and other details.


3. Moreover, de Gruyter is launching a first of its kind Book Series, edited by Lydia Amir, The Philosophy of/and Humor. See Book Series tab for further details.

4. Joining the Association:

The association membership is still free. Click here to join the association directly.


More information about the association’s meetings, publications and projects, can be found here, at



Thank you for your support,

Lydia Amir

Founding-President, International Association for the Philosophy of Humor (IAPH)

Founding-Editor of the Journal, Philosophy of Humor Yearbook

Editor of the Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal

Founding-Editor of the Book Series, Philosophy of/and Humor


IAPH Officers:


Founding President:

Lydia Amir

Beit Berl Academic College, Israel

Visiting Professor, Tufts University, USA

Honorary President:

John Morreall

College of William and Mary, VA, USA







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