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A New Journal – the Philosophy of Humor Yearbook


Call for Papers:


The Berlin-based publisher, de Gruyter, has offered to sponsor a new journal dedicated to the philosophy of humor. A scientific board consisting of the best philosophers in the field has been assembled, among them John Morreall, Simon Critchley, Stephen Halliwell, Noël Carroll, John Lippitt, Daniel Dennett, Kathleen Higgins, and more….


The journal has been launched in 2018, and will have its first issue in 2020.


The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook addresses the contemporary interest in the philosophy of humor. It invites philosophers from various traditions to share study of humor, laughter, and the comic, and their roles (e.g., epistemological, ethical, aesthetic) within the history and practice of philosophy. The sole publication of its kind in this new burgeoning field, it publishes not only scholarly articles of the highest quality, but also humorous or satirical pieces of philosophic interest, as well as articles on the pedagogy of philosophy that involves humor, jokes and cartoons, which may help the dissemination of philosophy.


Published by De Gruyter, the first issue of the new journal is to be expected in 2020. The yearbook aims to be the authoritative periodical in the field. A peer-reviewed journal open to submissions by all philosophers, its goal is to advance the study of the philosophy of humor, understood as an umbrella term, by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication, which integrates the many different traditions of philosophy and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue.

Apart from the very good scholarly articles that make the main part of the journal, the journal includes a shorter part that rekindles humorous, witty, or satiric articles in the service of philosophic ideas, when the form matches the topic, or the subject is enhanced by such devices, and when handled with attention to ethical issues and to political correctness.


As humor is used and has been used in the past by various philosophical schools as a pedagogical device, the last section of the journal addresses the pedagogy of philosophy, including appropriate witticisms, jokes, and even cartoons.


Finally, books will be reviewed and events related to the association will be advertised.

Submissions should be sent at all time to the editor, Lydia Amir.

Please send the monograph simultaneously to and with an abstract of 100 words, 5 key words, and erase all traces of personal identity in the text. The name, affiliation, and contact details should be sent apart as well as the field of research of the article and the section at which the author aims.

All submissions will be blindly refereed by established scholars in the field. Only high-quality papers, written in excellent (American) English, will be accepted for publication. Potential authors should be prepared to make changes to their texts based on the comments received by the referees.


The article should not exceed 25 pages, with double spaced lining and 12 point Times New Roman font. All references should be in the notes, sent first as end-notes and published later as foot-notes


The manuscript should be sent in a Word version that is unlocked. 


Further guidelines will be shortly posted.

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